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外2021 典型读者和阅读障碍读者形态处理的神经认知基础。

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外2021 典型读者和阅读障碍读者形态处理的神经认知基础。 第1页
外2021 典型读者和阅读障碍读者形态处理的神经认知基础。 第2页
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Vol.:(0123456789) Annals of Dyslexia https://doi.org/10.1007/s11881-021-00239-91 3 The neurocognitive basis of morphological processing in typical and impaired readers Rebecca A. Marks 1    · Rachel L. Eggleston 1  · Xin Sun 1   · Chi‑Lin Yu 1   · Kehui Zhang 1    · Nia Nickerson 1  · Xiao‑Su Hu 1,2   · Ioulia Kovelman 1   Received: 15 February 2021 / Accepted: 21 June 2021 © The International Dyslexia Association 2021 Abstract Morphological awareness, or sensitivity to units of meaning, is an essential component of reading comprehension development. Current neurobiological models of reading and dys- lexia have largely been built upon phonological processing models, yet reading for mean- ing is as essential as reading for sound. To  ll this gap, the present study explores the relation between children’s neural organization for morphological awareness and success- ful reading comprehension in typically developing and impaired readers. English-speaking children ages 6–11 (N  = 97; mean age  = 8.6 years, 25% reading impaired) completed stand- ard literacy assessments as well as an auditory morphological awareness task during func- tional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) neuroimaging, which included root (e.g., PER - SON + al) and derivational (e.g., quick  + LY) morphology. Regression analyses revealed that children’s morphological awareness predicted unique variance in reading comprehen- sion above and beyond demographic factors, vocabulary knowledge, and decoding abil- ity. Neuroimaging analyses further revealed that children with stronger reading compre- hension showed greater engagement of brain regions associated with integrating sound and meaning, including left inferior frontal, middle temporal, and inferior parietal regions. This eect was especially notable for the derivational morphology condition that involved manipulating more analytically demanding and semantically abstract units (e.g., un-, -ly, -ion). Together, these  ndings suggest that s
外2021 典型读者和阅读障碍读者形态处理的神经认知基础。

